This year April 24 was the 29th anniversary of the sacrifice by Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and Chacha Partap Singh, for the entire Humanity. This is the prime reason this day in Nirankari world is observed as Manav Ekta Diwas (Human Unity Day ).
As per divine words of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, 'Blood should flow in veins, not in drains', Sant Nirankari Mission Branch Ann arbor / Detroit organized blood drive this year on April 10, on Good Friday in collaboration with St. Marry church in Westland, Michigan. Saints of all age groups took the extra step to make this event successful. Many local citizens also participated in this blood drive and they also received the massage of Universal Brotherhood. All the saints felt gratitude toward our lord master Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj for his blessings. The People from Red Cross Society appreciated and thanked to all the saints for their generous effort to make the blood drive successful.
With the blessing of Baba Hardev Ji Maharaj sadh sangat of Ann Arbor /Detroit celebrated Manav Ekta Diwas samagam on April 26th, at Sant Nirankari congregation hall. The focus of Manav Ekta is to remember and pay the tribute to the life and teaching of Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and all of those devotees who sacrificed their lives for Humanity. Devotees shared their experiences with Baba Gurbachan Singh ji and his teachings in form of speeches and devotional songs, that were followed by a video documentary on the life of Baba Gurbachan Singh ji. Youngsters very much appreciated the documentary. It was followed by video discourse of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh ji Maharaj.
Following the teachings and with the blessings of His Holiness this year 4th Blood Donation Camp was held in Auckland, New Zealand on Thursday April 23, 2009 at NZL. BLOOD BUILDING by the management of S.N.M. Auckland. Forty saints offered to donate the blood at the donor centre but due to health requirements 30 saints were approved who donated the blood successfully. Fruits and snacks were provided at the donor centre by the members of Sewadal. Like every year donating the blood by the members of S.N.M. Auckland was much appreciated this year as well by the blood donation authorities. And the name of the S.N.M. Auckland also has been added respectfully in the list of Notice Board which is permanent fixed on wall of the Blood Donation Centre, organisation(s) who regularly support to donate the blood. And a Certificate of support / appreciation also has been issued in the name of S.N.M. Auckland.
‘Manav Ekta Diwas' was also celebrated in Auckland at regular Satsang Hall in Auckland on Sunday April 26, 2009 from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Saints who had the chance to speak remembered Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Maharaj, Chacha Pratap Singh Ji and those saints who lived and scarified their lives for the Mission, spreading the message of truth and human unity.
First Blood Donation Camp in Dubai
With the blessings of His Holiness Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, Sant Nirankari Mission UAE organised its 1st blood donation camp on May 1, 2009 in Al Barah Hospital. Following on to His Holiness Baba Ji's teachings for the welfare of mankind through Universal Brotherhood, the enthusiastic saints willingly participated in this camp.
The Camp started at 3 pm and continued until 9 pm. Rev Gurnam Singh Ji Parmukh of UAE encouraged all the blood donors during the camp. In all, 74 saints donated their blood. About 25 saints could not be obliged due to paucity of time.
Donating Blood for Human Unity: Toronto, Canada
With the blessings of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji, a blood donation clinic was arranged in collaboration with the Canadian Blood Services in Brampton, Ontario. The Sant Nirankari Mission is one of the largest donors of blood in India, to date, donating close to 300,000 units worldwide. It was this inspiration that drove the Satsang of Toronto to The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints in Brampton. The saints came with shirts, which stated His Holiness’s message “Human blood should flow in the veins and not in the drains.” This T-Shirt was really appreciated by the staff of the Canadian Blood Services, they commented on how beautiful the message of the Mission was.

Lilet Raffian, the coordinator of the clinic stated, “The Nirankari Mission has shown the community that they possess the qualities which show social and civic responsibility as apart of their program. You are there for the community to ensure blood is available to the Canadian community. It shows your level of commitment to humanity.” In addition, two Elders of the Mormon congregation added, “We are very impressed with the organization and professionalism of the camp.”
Saints came to donate for the very first time too. Rev. Sukhdev Singh Ji, a first time donor in Canada, said “This camp is very good as we are practically getting to practice what the Satguru wants, so we are blessed.” He emphasized how fortunate our lives are that we may practice what we preach.
Although many saints wanted to donate, some were turned away due to traveling outside of the country, age and length of permanent residence. The age of the donors ranged from teenagers to elders. Seasoned donors come out every year to contribute to this great cause. A veteran donor from the Mission stated, “This is a great selfless experience, being able to help someone regardless of caste, colour, or creed, a real humbling experience.”
The Canadian Blood Services staff remembered all of the last 13 years of blood donation clinics that were done previously at the Toronto branch, and really appreciated the enthusiasm and love of the saints participating. They were happy to report that 80% of the donors had come from the Sant Nirankari Mission. Although three faith groups were participating in the clinic, 44 units of blood were collected from the Satsang out of 72 units overall in the clinic.
With the blessings of His Holiness Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh ji Maharaj, Sant Nirankari Mission Sydney organised a blood donation camp on 18th April 2009. Following on to His Holiness Baba ji's teachings for the welfare of mankind through Universal Brotherhood (Manav Ekta), the enthusiastic local saints happily participated in this camp.
The camp started at 7:30 am continued till 3:30pm where a total of 119 donations were made out of which about 40 came from local saints.
Rev Chanbir Singh ji, Parmukh of Sant Nirankari Mission Sydney encouraged all the blood donors during the camp and also thanked the team of Parramatta blood bank and all the blood donors. Mr Andrew Scott, Manager of Parramatta blood bank appreciated the selfless humanitarian work done by Sant Nirankari Mission and hoped that the Mission would continue to organize such camps in future.
Manav Ekta Divas, April 26, 2009 - A Report
The Sant Nirankari Mission, in Tracy, California celebrated 'Manav Ekata Divas' (Human Unity Day) by organizing a Free Health Fair Sunday, April 26th 2009. Renowned doctors from all around bay area as well as the volunteers of the Sant Nirankari Mission (Sewadal) gathered at the Tracy Bhavan very early in the morning to setup the health fair. Sewadal members had worked hard for last few weeks spreading the word about this event. Communication mediums such as fliers, newspapers, emails, Internet as well as word of mouth were used to make everyone aware of the event. And as it turned out that effort was not in vain. The health fair received an overwhelming response. Almost 300 people turned up for the event. Dr. Bhupinder Bhandari, Dr. Atta, Dr. Mouttapa, Dr. Norquitta Johnson, Dr. Kyle Collins, Dr. Jason Nanda, Dr. Rajleen Arora as well as nurses Ms. Hattie Shears, Ms. Kulwinder Kang, Ms. Kris Creasman and Ms. Jo Betts graciously volunteered and provided their services to patients free of charge. One could see joy and satisfaction on the faces of volunteers conducting the event as well as attendees; some of them had come from places as far as Reno, Fresno, San Jose, and Sacramento.
Arrangements of snacks, water, fruits and juices were made for the patients. Apart from that Langar (community lunch) arrangement was also made.
In an adjacent hall, a documentary was shown on a big screen about divine journey of Baba Gurbachan Singh ji who fell to the bullets of some fanatics on April 24, 1980.
The Sant Nirankari mission celebrates human unity day and organizes blood donation camps and health fairs as a tribute to his supreme sacrifice. A Satsang program (spiritual congregation) was conducted from 1 pm to 2 pm in the same hall. Sister Kulbeer Kaur ji, Rev. Pali Noor ji and Rev. Prem Chaudhri ji paid tribute to Baba Gurbachan Singh ji by sharing inspirational incidents from his life. Sister Kiran ji, Renu ji, Kamalpreet ji, Sapan Chawala ji, Rev. Paramjeet ji and Rev. Shauki ji paid tribute by singing devotional songs. The program was concluded with screening of the message to mankind by the head of the Sant Nirankari Mission, His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh ji. He reinforced the importance of human unity amidst diversity of cultures, cast, creed, color, religion and language. This message of human unity was not just listened to but being lived by the people who participated in the health fair as we could see people from all walks of life, with different social, cultural, religious background working hand in hand with utmost love and respect.
The response for the health fair camp was so overwhelming that few Doctors graciously volunteered to stay late beyond scheduled close so that they could treat each and every patient and none had to go back disappointed. In the end, the President of Sant Nirankari Mission, USA, Dr. Iqbaljit Rai thanked and honored visiting doctors and nurses by presenting them appreciation certificates.
Abbotsford-Mission Branch of Sant Nirankari Mission, Canada remembered the martyrdom of Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh ji Maharaj, Chacha Partap Singh ji and other saints, who sacrificed their lives for the sake of humanity as Manav Ekta Divas on April 25, 2009. Many saints described about the teachings of Satguru and other saints for taking inspiration from their lives. In the beginning physical exercises were performed by Sewa Dal. The children of Bal Sangat also participated in the congregation with a special item with a message of unity. Rev. Sadhu Singh ji Parmukh of the branch chaired the congregation. During the congregation, a documentary regarding the life history of Baba Gurbachan Singh ji Maharaj was displayed. Discourse by Baba Hardev Singh ji Maharaj was played to conclude the Satsang.
The devotees of the Sant Nirankari Mandal from all over Greece celebrated Manav Ekta Divas in Marathona. The gathering revealed that the fallowing of the Mission is increasing Greece constantly.
Rev H.S. Upashak who specially came from UK, presided over the congregation. He said that the world today has brothers but not brotherhood. We have millions of human beings but without the feeling of humanity. The reason is that man has forgotten the Creator, the Supreme Father – God.
Rev Upashak Ji said that we find people engaged in devotion of God and worshipping Him by different modes without knowing Him. Saints, Gurus and prophets have been showing the right path since ages. They have also made scarifies for this. In our own times Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji laid down his life for truth, love, peace and unity.
Rev Upashak Ji inspired the gathering to adopt the religion of humanity. The Samagam was attended by devotees of the Mission from various towns of Greece. Several representatives of local religious organizations also attended the Samagam.
The First Blood Donation Camp has been organized in Adelaide, Australia Friday the April 24, 2009, ten saints reached there to donate Blood out of that Five Saints had donated their blood.
We discussed the teaching of HH Babaji with the staff and reason for Donating Blood. The efforts were well appreciated by the concerned authority specially by the Red Cross.
"Don't Shed Blood, Donate It"
His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj
Sant Nirankari Mission, Melbourne held it's 13th Blood Donation Drive at Australian Red Cross Blood Service - Mount Waverley, Melbourne on 13 April 2009. The Blood Drive was collectively organised on Easter Monday by SNM Melbourne and ARCBS.
What's better way to celebrate Easter... but to follow the kind teachings of His Holiness and contribute towards saving lives...
Mr. Doug Allen, Community Relations-ARCBS and Ms Anna, Manager - ARCBS Mt Waverley Centre presented SNM Melbourne and 88 donors with 'Certificate of Appreciation' to Thank them all for their generous efforts.
The drive started at 8am and concluded at 3pm where Volunteers served refreshments throughout the event. Hundreds of SNM members attended this drive and were honored for their donations.
It was a great opportunity for ARCBS staff to interact with SNM donors and share the teachings of His Holiness Baba Ji... "Peace, Not Pieces"
Since April 2007, the Sant Nirankari Mission has been working with Sandwell Council in its “Big Spring Clean” project, which involves voluntary members of the community cleaning the streets and recycling rubbish.
The Mission marks the month of April, and particularly Human Unity Day (Manav Ekta Divas), as a time to remember Baba Gurbachan Singh ji and his revolutionary reforms to society. Baba Gurbachan Singh ji encouraged members of the Mission to be resourceful, helpful and efficient. It is this inspiring ethos which was the driving force behind the Missions Volunteers becoming involved in the spring clean project giving the members the opportunity to serve the community and make the environment a better place to live in. Selfless service is a core teaching of the Mission.
On the 25th April a brigade of over 50 members young and old participated in this initiative in Wednesbury Town despite poor weather conditions. With the grace of Nirankar when the devotees hit the streets the clouds were converted into sunshine. The members gathered at the Satsang Bhawan on Potters Lane and fulfilled their obligations. Members of the town team were present including Marcia and Angela who have been working with the local administration for many years now. They are always impressed by the enthusiasm of the youngsters and were pleased to be in attendance. After the morning briefing at 10am the brigade took to the task and brought back to the Bhawan many bags of refuse which were collected by the local authorities. The devotees involved were inspired and felt that they themselves should change their attitude to the disposal of litter and be more careful in the future. Members of the public were pleased at the efforts of the Mission members making very positive comments throughout the course of the day. All the members were offered refreshments at the conclusion.

Coming back to the spirit of Manav Ekta and in continuation of keeping a glow the teachings of Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh, the young members of the Mission (aged 5-15) were so inspired with the teachings of Baba Gurbachan Singh ji that they decided to clean up the rubbish accumulated on the Mission’s new land prior to the Big Spring Clean. They used some of their findings to create an art piece called “Time to clean up our act”, which comprises of words made out of recyclable rubbish to read ‘smile’, ‘forgive’, ‘share’, ‘love’, ‘peace’, ‘unity’, ‘respect’ and ‘kind’. This is hung on the Mission’s land opposite the Satsang Bhawan to inspire passers-by, as well as members of the Mission.

The young minds felt that the art piece would inspire people to be environmentally friendly and stop them from using the land as a tipping site. When asked why they had chosen to use those particular words, they answered that being environmentally friendly was not only about recycling and making streets litter free but also about being better and nicer people. One young person said that it was “no point having a lovely looking world if people were nasty and unkind.” The youngsters felt that if people were kind, loving and forgave more; the world would be a better place. These qualities are encouraged in every member of the Mission from Baba Gurbachan Singh ji’s time and even prior to that. Serving the community is a way of creating unity and that’s why members of the Mission mark the Big Spring Clean as their Human Comm-Unity Day. In so achieving this end the youngsters have given birth to Nirankari Street-Art. This project will continue to create artwork from refuse and products which are to be recycled and in so doing show respect for mother earth and illustrate how in the Nirankari Mission youngsters are taught responsible citizenship from their Guru.
Manav Ekta Divas (Human Unity Day) although is celebrated in the Nirankari Mission on the 24th April every year, this year it was organised to take place on Sunday 26th in the West Midlands. Devotees from local areas of Wolverhampton, Sandwell, Birmingham, Solihull and Stoke all participated.
The focus of Manav Ekta is to remember and pay tribute to the life and teachings of Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh ji and all those devotees who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Humanity. Many distinguished devotees including Rev H.S. Upashak ji, Dr Bobby Sura, Sister Gurdev Ji, Surjit Dhami, Daljit Mehta spoke about Baba ji and his message of Human Unity.
On this occasion, some of the young devotees who also lost family members to extremist elements were also called upon to share their thoughts, which was indeed inspirational and interesting. Devotees such as Puneet Singh, Paavan Chohan, Sunaina Bhatia, Satinder Dhaliwal, Amit Nirankari, Niharika and Shobhit Rai Singhani all gave brief details of the life of their family members and what they had known about them. It was noted that most of them were unable to experience any sense of a relationship with their families as they were born after the members had passed away, but they spoke with parents to learn of their contribution to the Mission. This felt to be enriching for all the devotees who had gathered on the occasion.
These speeches were then followed by a documentary which had been produced on the life of Satguru Baba Gurbachan Singh ji pursuant to which a discourse of His Holiness Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji.
To mark Human Unity further initiatives that had been taken were in honour of the elderly members of the Community. The spirit of Manav Ekta and teachings of Baba Gurbachan Singh ji were to have respect for all the senior members of society. To advance this thought it was decided that they be offered sessions of well being in the form of Foot and Back Massages. This was well received and in continuation of the fundraising efforts for a Mini-Van for the senior citizens, a Charity Car wash had been co-ordinated.
In all, the spirit of Baba Gurbachan Singh ji it is felt will be eternal as long as we keep his divine message vested closely in our hearts and minds.
Blood Drive on Occasion of Human Unity Day.
With the help of saints from Sant Nirankari Mission – Branch Houston TX and local resident, a blood drive was organized on the occasion of Human Unity Day on 12th April 2009. Every one took part happily in this Blood Drive. While 31 donors registered for blood drive, 24 could donate the blood.
To take the blood, a four member team of MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston reached around 11.30 AM at 11210 Steeplecrest Dr. Houston TX, where already all the donors were waiting for blood donation.
Inauguration of Blood Drive was done by the Shri Raj Bhala Pramukh of Sant Nirankari Mission Houston branch and team members of MD Anderson. Blood Drive started at 12.00 Noon and continued up to 4.00 PM.
Manav Ekta Divas celebrated in Nepal
Like elsewhere in the world, the devotees of the Sant Nirankari Mission in Nepal also celebrated Manav Ekta Divas. The main congregation was held in Tikapur on April 25, 2009.
Addressing the congregation, the Nepal Pramukh of the Mission Rev Nar Bahadur Rawal highlighted the message of human unity and universal brotherhood being preached by the Mission. He said that it is not a mere slogan, the Mission is proving it through practical life. The Head of the Mission Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj himself I endeavoring for this noble cause day and night.
Earlier, so devotees including 23 women donated their blood. The blood collecting team came from the District Red Cross Society, Kailali.
The other branches in Nepal which organized blood donation camps along with Manav Ekta Divas celebration’s included Bonia with 75 units, Siaganj 44 units, Mahendranagar 18 units and Nepalganj 22 units.